Lower client fees but higher expectations than ever. Lower FTEs, higher RPEs. This is the generic advertising agency situation all over the world (debatable exceptions here & there though). Advertising agency business model has been aggressively challenged over the last decade and rightfully so, clients expect agencies to do much more than before. A lot of agencies are trying various models to achieve the most optimum model to cater to the evolving needs of the clients. While some have achieved considerable success, others are still struggling.
There are numerous factors that have forced this agency model disruption, however below are the top 6 most crucial factors that are acting as a catalyst to this transition or pushing the envelope harder than anything else. Why all Cs you may ask? Because I am an agency guy at the end of the day and need to stand out (trying hard).
There were 2 different things that happened over the past week that prompted me to write this. A well known thought leader wrote a post yesterday saying "those who imitate ideas own less than half of the original value" and second incident where we had a huge internal debate about digital innovation.
While I deeply respect and value the role of innovators in our business and of course, the broader context of evolution, my problem is with the constant shunning of imitators & iterators. Innovation, as a matter of fact, only caters to the 1% of actual user demand/needs and focuses on introducing something which wasn't actually there as a service/want/product. It's the imitation that gives birth to fair gameplay most of the times and the subsequent iteration that makes things better continually.