The New York Festivals Advertising Awards Winners

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George Patterson Y&R, Brisbane
2019 The New York Festivals - First Prize Award - Health & Wellness
Package & Product Design

Sip Safe

AGENCY: George Patterson Y&R
BRAND: Monash University
YEAR: 2019
CATEGORY: Health & Wellness
AWARD: First Prize Award
ADVERTISER: Monash University

2019 The New York Festivals - First Prize Award - Health & Wellness
Direct & Collateral

Sip Safe

AGENCY: George Patterson Y&R
BRAND: Monash University
YEAR: 2019
CATEGORY: Health & Wellness
AWARD: First Prize Award
ADVERTISER: Monash University

2019 The New York Festivals - Second Prize Award - Social/Environmental Good: Brand

Sip Safe

AGENCY: George Patterson Y&R
BRAND: Monash University
YEAR: 2019
CATEGORY: Social/Environmental Good: Brand
AWARD: Second Prize Award
ADVERTISER: Monash University

2019 The New York Festivals - Second Prize Award - Health & Wellness
Activation & Engagement

Sip Safe

AGENCY: George Patterson Y&R
BRAND: Monash University
YEAR: 2019
CATEGORY: Health & Wellness
AWARD: Second Prize Award
ADVERTISER: Monash University

2019 The New York Festivals - Second Prize Award  - Women
Positive World Impact

Sip Safe

AGENCY: George Patterson Y&R
BRAND: Monash University
YEAR: 2019
AWARD: Second Prize Award
ADVERTISER: Monash University

2016 The New York Festivals - Finalist Award - Craft: Music/Sound Design
2014 The New York Festivals - Grand Prize Award - Mailings
Direct & Collateral

Air Force FM

AGENCY: George Patterson Y&R
BRAND: Defence Force Recruitment
YEAR: 2014
CATEGORY: Mailings
AWARD: Grand Prize Award
ADVERTISER: Defence Force Recruitment

2014 The New York Festivals - First Prize Award - Mailings
Direct & Collateral

Air Force FM

AGENCY: George Patterson Y&R
BRAND: Defence Force Recruitment
YEAR: 2014
CATEGORY: Mailings
AWARD: First Prize Award
ADVERTISER: Defence Force Recruitment

2014 The New York Festivals - Second Prize Award - Politics & Government
Direct & Collateral

Air Force FM

AGENCY: George Patterson Y&R
BRAND: Defence Force Recruitment
YEAR: 2014
CATEGORY: Politics & Government
AWARD: Second Prize Award
ADVERTISER: Defence Force Recruitment

2014 The New York Festivals - Third Prize Award - Corporate Image, Information & Recruitment
Direct & Collateral

The Maths Ad Exam

AGENCY: George Patterson Y&R
BRAND: Defence Force Recruiting
YEAR: 2014
CATEGORY: Corporate Image, Information & Recruitment
AWARD: Third Prize Award
ADVERTISER: Defence Force Recruiting

2014 The New York Festivals - Third Prize Award - Travel, Tourism & Leisure

Instant Millionaire

AGENCY: George Patterson Y&R
BRAND: Tatts Lotteries
YEAR: 2014
CATEGORY: Travel, Tourism & Leisure
AWARD: Third Prize Award
ADVERTISER: Tatts Lotteries

2013 The New York Festivals - Gold World Medal - Mobile

Mobile Medic

AGENCY: George Patterson Y&R
BRAND: Defence University Sponsorship
YEAR: 2013
AWARD: Gold World Medal
ADVERTISER: Defence University Sponsorship

2013 The New York Festivals - Silver World Medal - Mobile Billboards

Mobile Medic

AGENCY: George Patterson Y&R
BRAND: Defence University Sponsorship
YEAR: 2013
CATEGORY: Mobile Billboards
AWARD: Silver World Medal
ADVERTISER: Defence University Sponsorship

2013 The New York Festivals - Silver World Medal - Corporate Image, Information & Recruitment

Mobile Medic

AGENCY: George Patterson Y&R
BRAND: Defence University Sponsorship
YEAR: 2013
CATEGORY: Corporate Image, Information & Recruitment
AWARD: Silver World Medal
ADVERTISER: Defence University Sponsorship

2013 The New York Festivals - Silver World Medal - Mobile
Direct & Collateral

Mobile Medic

AGENCY: George Patterson Y&R
BRAND: Defence University Sponsorship
YEAR: 2013
AWARD: Silver World Medal
ADVERTISER: Defence University Sponsorship

2013 The New York Festivals - Silver World Medal - Digital

Mobile Medic

AGENCY: George Patterson Y&R
BRAND: Defence University Sponsorship
YEAR: 2013
AWARD: Silver World Medal
ADVERTISER: Defence University Sponsorship

2013 The New York Festivals - Bronze World Medal - Avant-Garde

Mobile Medic

AGENCY: George Patterson Y&R
BRAND: Defence University Sponsorship
YEAR: 2013
CATEGORY: Avant-Garde
AWARD: Bronze World Medal
ADVERTISER: Defence University Sponsorship

2011 The New York Festivals - Gold World Medal - Annual Reports

Beer Coasters

AGENCY: George Patterson Y&R
BRAND: Asia Pacific Breweries
YEAR: 2011
CATEGORY: Annual Reports
AWARD: Gold World Medal
ADVERTISER: Asia Pacific Breweries

2009 The New York Festivals - Gold World Medal - Beverages Non-Alcoholic
2006 The New York Festivals - Grand Award - Best Creative/Production Achievement