The New York Festivals Advertising Awards Winners

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Prime Weber Shandwick, Stockholm
2016 The New York Festivals - Finalist Award - Film: Civic & Social Education
Public Service Announcements

Don't drink & Dive

AGENCY: Prime Weber Shandwick
BRAND: Trygg-Hansa
YEAR: 2016
CATEGORY: Film: Civic & Social Education
AWARD: Finalist Award

2016 The New York Festivals - Finalist Award - Public Service Announcements: Civic & Social Education
Public & Media Relations

Don't drink & Dive

AGENCY: Prime Weber Shandwick
BRAND: Trygg-Hansa
YEAR: 2016
CATEGORY: Public Service Announcements: Civic & Social Education
AWARD: Finalist Award

2013 The New York Festivals - Silver World Medal - Digital
Public & Media Relations

Civil Rights Captcha

AGENCY: Prime Weber Shandwick
BRAND: Civil Rights Defenders
YEAR: 2013
AWARD: Silver World Medal
ADVERTISER: Civil Rights Defenders

2011 The New York Festivals - Bronze World Medal - Public Relations: Environmental Issues

Vac From The Sea

AGENCY: Prime Weber Shandwick
BRAND: Electrolux
YEAR: 2011
CATEGORY: Public Relations: Environmental Issues
AWARD: Bronze World Medal
ADVERTISER: Electrolux